Wijmo UI for the Web
Custom Editing

Wijgrid allows you to add custom editors to grid columns by using the beginEdit and endEdit methods. You can add different widgets such as wijcalendarwijcombobox etc in the cells to customize editing.

For example, the script below adds a wijcombobox in the column Quantity, allowing user to select one value from various values given in the combobox.

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<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
                 data: [
         ['US', 'Ipsum LLC',63.57, 150, .11],
         ['Japan','Lorem Inc', 74.85, 100, .19],
         ['China','Dolor International', 29.86, 250, .20],
         ['Russia', 'Blandit Enterprises',81.68, 150, .25],
         ['India', 'Vivamus Services',76.30, 200, .12]

            columns: [
        { headerText: "Country", dataType: 'string' },
        { headerText: "ProductName", dataType: 'string' },
        { headerText: "Unit Price", dataType: 'currency' },
        { headerText: "Quantity (Custom Column)", dataType: 'number', dataFormatString: 'n0' },
        { headerText: "Discount", dataType: 'number', dataFormatString: 'p0' },
            selectionMode: 'singleCell',
            editingMode: 'cell',
            beforeCellEdit: function(e, args) {
                switch (args.cell.cellIndex()) {
                    case 3:
                        // add combobox in the cell
                        $('<input />')
                               data: [
                                   { label: '100', value: '100' },
                                   { label: '150', value: '150' },
                                   { label: '200', value: '200' },
                                   { label: '250', value: '250' }
                                selectedValue: args.cell.value(),
                                isEditable: false
                        args.handled = true
            afterCellEdit: function(e, args) {
                switch (args.cell.cellIndex()) {
                    case 0: